Heart heavy Dream Desires


The heart sighs with its heavy, unfulfilled desires;
The mind churns with plans for my ultimate future;
So much to do, many places to go;
Scores of people to meet, kilometers of paths to tread;
Mountain after Mountain to take captive of;
Battles to be fought, Lessons to be learned;
Becoming a victor is no small feat;
To be triumphant over the wars of life is the end goal.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with a thought, a dream;
Followed by more dreams, encouraged by faith and freedom;
Freedom to take an action at a time, to follow dreams;
There is much to do, careful planning is needed;
A time for everything, a time for realistic planning;
Focusing on one thing at a time.

It is time to reign in those wild horses of thoughts;
Time to take count, rank in order of importance;
Next, it is imminent to put into practice one thought;
Follow through to the end. IF impossible to succeed,
Re-evaluate the plan of action vital for dreams to take flight.


Note this, there is no dream impossible to dream;
If it is right and true, heavens will smile down;
And together with faith and hardwork,
WILL see this dream through until it becomes YOUR REALITY

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